Saturday, January 16, 2010

French Toast

What a perfect way to start the day!! So I got this recipe from Jess Yang and it was soo delicious to have for breakfast. I cut the recipe in half because I was only making it for me and Nate but if you're making it for more people, adjust accordingly. I used whole grain bread to give the bread a little texture and whole wheat flavor and it was yummy! And ok, I know I probably should have known this, but I had NO idea that hard bread could be so soft after you soak it in some stuff. I always throw away my french bread after it's hard but now I know to just make french toast! Gosh, you learn something new everyday!

On the other hand, I think I messed up on a few things. I put cinnamon in the batter itself thinking that was what I was supposed to do...then when I re-read the recipe, I realized I think I was supposed to put the cinnamon on top of the french toast itself...oh well! I'll know better for next time. So here's the recipe...

1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup sugar (the recipe calls for super fine sugar, but I didn't have any and sugar seemed to work pretty well)
1 egg
1/2 stick butter
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 loaf of one to two day old whole grain bread (I got mine from Trader Joe's; when prepared, it should be pretty hard)

  1. Whisk the milk, sugar, egg and vanilla (and cinnamon if you like to mess up like me) together.

  2. Soak slices of bread in the mixture.

  3. Put about a tablespoon of butter in the pan for each batch and let it melt before adding the bread.

  4. Fry the bread on both sides until it is golden brown

  5. Serve with either sprinkled cinnamon or powdered sugar.

I used strawberries and bananas to accompany the french toast and it was completely sweet enough to eat so I did not need maple syrup. However, Nate put maple syrup on the french toast and liked it that way, so it's up to you! Oh, this post reminds me that I want a griddle! Adding that to my very long kitchen wish list. ;)

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